Misao mad father
Misao mad father


Really felt like it should have a little more use. I mean, you only get to use it for a couple of times after you get it.

  • They could have allowed you to use the chainsaw to cut more stuffs or at least defend yourself.
  • Well, if there are any, then it might be these two: There’s really not much I have against the game. The game play was a lot more streamline than Misao and the storytelling was done many times better. To be honest, I don’t really have any significant unbiased gripe with the game aside from the True Ending, which I will be explaining below.

    misao mad father

    I haven’t played the second round, but honestly, one round of that ending is already enough. I heard that in the second play through, there would be notes scattered about the mansion, reinforcing the truth that happens in the true ending. I’ll put the spoiler and explain why after giving the game its unbiased score below. And in fact, the game’s True Ending is what caused me to have second thoughts about this game’s score. Once again, there are multiple endings in this game – two bad endings and the ‘True’ ending, which is equally messed up. Luckily, the save point (a crow) is scattered all over the mansion in literally every other room where you can possibly screw up (so you can restart there should you mess up anything). Since you no longer have the Quicksave to protect you, you will need to save your game a lot. As far as I recall, there is only one troll trap that I’ve encountered, but it was due to my own curiosity. And while they still end your game when triggered, they are not as unforgiving and abundant as in Misao. You must do so before the life bar on top right is completely depleted.


    In such case, mash the button as indicated to shake free of the monster. There will be times when monsters caught on to you. Sadly, you can’t use this against the hostile spirits or monsters. You can use this chainsaw to break barrels or cut various stuffs that are blocking your way. Pressing the C or SHIFT key equips Aya with the Mini-Chainsaw (after you picked it up). The ChainsawĪki gets the iron bat while Aya gets the chainsaw. Some of these gems also required that you do extra fetch quests or puzzles. These gems are scattered about the whole manor in a form of glowing orbs on the ground. Collecting all of them unlocks the gallery mode and a small cutscene after you get the true ending. These gems are optional collectables, as far as I know. I was actually very nervous while I explore each room in the game, unlike in Misao where I just simply run around place and hit Quicksave whenever I suspect that I’m about to trigger some troll traps. The environment within the game is also a heck lot creepier and more nerve racking. I would like to say it reminds me of SNES’s Rockman 7 sprites’ colors. The sprites in this one look more modern and detailed. In Misao, the sprites looked like the game was in an 8-bit era. However, the graphics this time around is much more beautiful and detailed. The game was created using a program called ‘WOLF RPG Editor’, just like Misao. Mad Father is a free downloadable game made within the Wolf RPG Editor by Sen (The Miscreant’s Room). The game was originally released in Japanese Language, but it was translated by vgboy. (This was a forewarning for, but it applies HEAVILY for this game as well) Playing this game is strictly forbidden for those unable to make a clear distinction between reality and fantasy. Be warned that there are also many scenes in which characters do and say unpleasant things.

    misao mad father

    * This game contains grotesque imagery and depicts violence, murder, bullying, and sexual assault. While the title is called a ‘Review’, this article is nothing more than an experience sharing session of someone who has played the game. Note that aside from points where I specified otherwise, my opinion is always completely objective and built up from an absolutely neutral point.

    misao mad father

    Without further adieu, let’s get into the review. So this review is going to have two scores: A completely fair and objective score and my personal score for the game. However, upon clearing the game … let’s just say I’m not really happy with what I see in the True Ending. The game itself is longer than Misao and the game play programming was a lot more streamlined than Misao.


    This time around, I played the game on my mom’s PC while she was out running errands. Yay for a game with the word ‘Mad’ in it. So after clearing, I’ve decided to play the second game developed by the same creator.

    Misao mad father